Jacalyn Price won Business of the year in Business Services for ACN in 2020, 2021 . She has articles published in the Bx xClusive magazine. She belongs to the following networking groups, Business at Breakfast, Edward Zia's networking community, Lake Mcquarie Women in Business, More Marketing Ideas, , Bconnected World, Happy Neighborhood Project. She has been a host and speaker at her networking events. A finalist in Hunter Region Business Excellence Awards, Australian Small Business Champions Awards, Australian Women's Small Business Champions Awards, Local Business Awards, Australian Ladies in Business Initiative Awards, Bx Business xCellence Awards . Jacalyn has an article in the Newcastle Weekly , showcasing her Business. Jacalyn's key to success is personal development. Some of her biggest influences are - Bob Proctor, Zig Ziglar, Mary Morrisey, Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, Simon Sinek, Peter Sage to name a few. Her mission in life is to set up a foundation for people with illness to access funding for medication and treatment . This was after her sister Jen was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and had to pay a large sum for radiation treatment . Jacalyn loves taking the burden off families . Touching Hearts and Changing Lives. Evert day for her is new day, new thoughts, new strengths and possibilities.

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