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Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show

I am your Special Host Mechelle McDonald

Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business.

My very special guest today is Drew Donaldson ...

Drew Donaldson, a serial entrepreneur and Growth Strategist, founded GroHaus, a marketing strategy firm, in January 2020 during the pandemic. Despite initial challenges, Drew's dedication to understanding the needs of SMBs led to rapid growth and success.

GroHaus has helped numerous clients achieve six and seven-figure growth through innovative marketing approaches. Drew emphasizes the importance of building a community, valuing customer feedback, and adopting an authentic and humanistic approach to connect with potential clients. He believes that genuine appreciation for people fosters strong relationships and business growth.

Key Moments:

  • Building a community around your business can provide valuable feedback and insights to improve your products and services. It also helps retain customers during difficult times.
  • Criticism from customers, especially loyal ones, should be taken seriously as it can help identify issues and opportunities for improvement.
  • Not all criticism is valid, so business owners need to filter out spiteful criticism from constructive feedback.
  • During the pandemic, many business owners were open to sharing pain points and feedback, which Drew leveraged to improve his business model.
  • Authenticity and building a personal connection is important when reaching out to potential clients and community members.
  • A zero-ask message that simply acknowledges someone's achievements can spark a positive response and social contract that opens the door for further conversation.
  • Pitching too soon can come across as inauthentic, so building a relationship first through multiple messages increases the chances of a positive response.
  • The human aspect of connecting with others through friendliness and gratitude can often be more effective than technical strategies.
  • Drew's business, Growhouse, aims to help business owners grow to and through their first six and seven figures.
  • Growhouse's community is for ambitious business owners who want to significantly grow their businesses, not just maintain the status quo.



About The Show

Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show features guest stories about entrepreneurs and their journeys from startup, growth to success.

If you're looking to succeed with quick start concepts for online entrepreneurs, this brand new show reveals how startup entrepreneurs or someone looking to start, grow or reboot their online business can understand how to create specific strategies to build their list, make offers and connect with their best buyers.

We want to help entrepreneurs make a real difference and navigate the messy world of startup or re-launch.

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